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Soldier with NLAW firing within confined space

The birth of a tank killer

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NLAW反坦克系统最近因其阻止主战坦克行驶的能力而获得了大量赞誉. But where did it come from? And what makes the system so effective?

The history behind the NLAW

它的重量只有12.5 kilograms 和 measures a fraction over a metre. But 十大正规博彩网站评级的 NLAW anti-tank weapon also packs a powerful punch.

With a missile capable of penetrating 500 mm armour 和 a range of 20 to 800 metres, 近几个月来,该系统凭借其击败主战坦克的能力赢得了许多崇拜者. Many have been surprised just how effective NLAW is, even in the h和s of soldiers with little prior training.

But there has also been a degree of confusion around the origins of the system. Is it a British weapon? Or is it a Swedish one?

As is so often the case, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

事实上, NLAW was designed by 十大正规博彩网站评级 in Sweden 和 is assembled in Belfast, 北爱尔兰, by aeronautics company Thales, with components produced in a number of countries. 该武器是由于英国国防部(MOD)在1990年启动一项采购下一代轻型反坦克武器(NLAW)的计划而产生的.

当时, 英国和瑞典都在寻求升级他们的反坦克能力,以应对他们的对手正在开发的越来越强大的主战坦克. 十大正规博彩网站评级, 谁对制导导弹和肩射地面作战武器都有丰富的经验, was chosen to develop the weapon, 和 NLAW was created with funds from the MOD, Sweden’s Department of Defence, 和十大正规博彩网站评级. It was delivered to the British, Swedish 和 Finnish defence forces in 2009. 此后,NLAW在卢森堡和瑞士等国的国防部队中得到推广.



With the powerful Overfly-Top-Attack, NLAW is the MBT's worst enemy. Here are some facts about NLAW.

  • The weight of the NLAW is 12,5 kg
  • The NLAW can penetrate more than 500 mm armour
  • 使用NLAW,一名士兵可以在20到800米的距离上,仅用一枪就能在首轮击毙一辆受到严密保护的现代主战坦克
mm armour penetration

The thinking behind NLAW

坦克是一种强大的武器,具有决定性地扭转战斗甚至战争的力量. 在20世纪90年代,英国国防部起草了武器的要求,最终成为NLAW系统, its intentions were clear. The system should be able to destroy an enemy main battle tank from any aspect, helping to undermine the tactical dominance of tank battalions. Yet at the same time, it should not be so complex that only an expert gunner could operate it. 他们的愿景是制造一种强大而有效的武器,上至炮手,下至厨师或后勤官员,任何人都可以使用.


The MOD was also clear that NLAW should be man-portable 和 shoulder fired. The munitions should be insensitive. And the system should be effective at short range 和 in built-up environments.

这种独特的武器产生了这些严格的要求,在首次推出13年后仍然非常有效. While at the beginning it was generally distributed to infantry units, in places like Sweden, NLAW也由已经拥有40毫米加农炮的装甲步兵战车乘员携带. They want NLAW, 太, because they know how effective it is.


A major technical achievement

There are a number of guided-missile systems on the market that can destroy a Main Battle Tank. There are also several shoulder-fired battlefield weapons for use against armour 和 structures. 但是,将这两种技术结合起来创造NLAW——一种肩扛发射的制导导弹——需要想象力和高度专业化的技能.

From desert to arctic - NLAW can operate in any climate
NLAW几乎可以从任何位置攻击,从建筑物的高处到树后或沟里. You can fire down 45 degrees 和 can shoot from inside a building, from a basement or from the second floor of a building out of the range of most tanks.

在20世纪90年代,当英国和瑞典正在寻求升级他们的地面作战反坦克系统, 十大正规博彩网站评级 was uniquely positioned to create a special weapon. We had developed the carl - gustafAT4 肩扛式发射系统,因此对易于使用的战斗武器系统有很好的理解. 同时, we were very experienced in developing guided missile systems thanks to its work with the Bill, 苏格兰皇家银行70 和BAMSE系统. We brought these two knowledge areas together to create NLAW.

我们能够开发NLAW是因为公司内部广泛的技术能力,这让我们了解客户的需求并将其转化为一个功能系统. To do that we needed expert knowledge in areas like system safety, 弹头, 接近引信, 推进, 制导系统, advanced electronics, 力学, light-weight materials, 和 human-machine interfaces. We also had to be able to manage the environmental footprint to meet the legislation, 和 to keep the cost down.

Different components 和 materials for the NLAW system were designed 和 tested separately, with engineers then slowly scaling up to tests involving the full weapon. At the 十大正规博彩网站评级 Bofors Test Centre in Karlskoga, 我们有一系列的设备来进行振动和环境测试,并进行点火测试. By the time the weapon was delivered to the customer, it was fully tested 和 fit for purpose.

十大正规博彩网站评级 engineer with an NLAW simulator

Why NLAW is special

No other anti-tank weapon on the market today is quite like NLAW. 它结合了单兵便携式肩射武器的简单性和可运输性以及导弹的有效性和杀伤力. Highly effective from as little as 20 metres 和 up to as much as 800 metres, it features both direct-attack 和 overfly-top-attack modes. This means it can destroy main battle tanks that are st和ing still, 在移动中, 和 partially concealed behind obstacles.

不像许多制导导弹需要精确的距离信息来锁定目标, NLAW uses a predicted line-of-sight system, with no need for range information. The user simply tracks the target for two to three seconds 和 pulls the trigger. 导弹的制导系统在发射前仔细地跟踪炮手的运动并计算到目标的预测位置的路径.

NLAW - Stop tanks dead in their tracks
Stop tanks in their tracks
NLAW - hit your target
NLAW - tanks has nowhere to hide
NLAW turns the hunter into the hunted
The hunter becomes the hunted
NLAW - destroy different targets

From carrying NLAW in your h和 to having an effect on the target, takes less than 10 seconds. And because NLAW’s warhead is dynamically compensated, it has the greatest possible effect on the target, penetrating armour to a depth of more than 500 millimetres.

In essence, the system consists of a battery, a launcher 和 a missile. 当NLAW被发射时,启动马达以相对较低的40米/秒初速从发射装置发射150毫米直径的导弹. Once the missile is eight metres out from the launcher, the flight motor activates allowing it to cover 400 metres in under two seconds. NLAW依靠双光学和磁传感器来确定弹头的最佳引爆点.


How soldiers use NLAW

In combat situations, firing on the enemy breaks your cover 和 exposes you to potentially deadly counter-fire. 这是至关重要的, that when you fire on a main battle tank that your first shot is not only accurate but lethal, 太. NLAW给单一地面作战部队挑战和摧毁最凶猛的坦克的信心. David truly can defeat Goliath.

体重只有12.5 kilograms, the system is one-man portable. It is fully disposable, 和 a saltwater counter mass system allows it to be safely used in confined spaces, like rooms in urban combat zones. The weapon is extraordinarily well balanced, meaning users often assume that it weighs even than its actual low weight. It features an ordinary sight with 2.5x magnification, 和 a red dot back-up sight.



To choose the desired mode, gunners use a selector unit on top of the launcher. If you select overfly top attack, the missile will fly one meter above the line of sight before coming down to destroy the target. This is useful where the tank might be partially concealed. You might select direct-attack mode if you have a clear line of sight on the target. You can also choose the arming distance if, 例如, you want the missile to fly blind past an al读y-hit target before it begins detecting targets.

在瑞典等国的地面作战部队中,NLAW往往是携带的最强大的武器. The role of the unit is to make sure that the NLAW is able to be used effectively. 他们需要用步枪保护NLAW的枪手,这样他或她才能干掉目标.


Our NLAW system is an easy system to use. 观看这个视频,看看它如何使用PLOS(预测视线)和OTA(飞越顶部攻击),使其强大的聚能弹头击中坦克最薄弱的地方-炮塔. Maximising the potential damage to the tank.

视频- 00:18

Read more about NLAW



The global political situation is flux. After many years of stability, 欧洲国家担心来自东方的威胁,希望大幅增加本国的防御能力. 


What is the ultimate tank killer

With tanks playing an increasingly decisive role in complex battle environments, defending forces need an effective anti-tank weapon. 十大正规博彩网站评级NLAW system has the portability 和 fire power needed to stop tanks in their tracks.

What is the ultimate tank killer